Saturday, October 18, 2008

St. John's Episcopal, Franklin, PA

St John's ordained and installed a new rector today. The church's website is here. It was a good opportunity to see friends I don't otherwise meet very often so I accompanied my friend who will be ordained to the deaconate in Erie in two weeks. Of course, it was also an excuse to once again see the glorious Tiffany windows adorning the church. Unfortunately these aren't the greatest photos because the sun was very bright making some of them almost blindingly bright. Also there were many folks milling around. But here they are.

Friday, October 17, 2008

BCF Vancouver 2008

Just uploaded Berkshire Choral Festival 2008 Vancouver photos to Picasa. Some are mine. Some are Beth's. If you read my old blog, you've probably seen all of them.

BCF Austria 2008

Just uploaded Berkshire Choral Festival 2008 Austria photos to Picasa. If you read my blog, you've probably seen most of them.

Friday cat blogging


Pymatuning State Park

This is our road.

Friday shuffle

1. Montana Cowboy - Dickens and Gerrard
2. Elgar: The Fountain - Finzi Singers
3. Persichetti: Celebrations, I sing the body - Bach Choir Pittsburgh
4. Britten: A Boy was Born, Noel - The Sixteen
5. Ives: Psalm 90 - Westminster Choir
6. Sleepy Eyed John/Tom and Jerry - Lewis and Rozum
7. Hard Hearted - Jim and Jessee
8. Daniel - Elton John
9. Mendelssohn: Paulus, Steinigung des Stephanus - Gächinger Kantorei
10. PDQ Bach: 1712 Overture

Well, a little heavy on classical and blue grass until Elton John and PDQ Bach.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

More fall fotos

We haven't had clear days or this would be a better picture. By the time this clears up the leaves will be gone. The rain is downing them quickly.

This is the road I take to go east. It connects our road with 322E.

Pre-Friday cat blogging

PuddyTat partakes of some milk while Jellico watches. Tim's tail is visible as she is at the dry food trough. One thing good about cold weather is the lack of bugs when I open the kitchen window to pet and feed the cats. The electric cord will be connected to the heated water dish when the temperature falls below freezing. I need to make some repairs to the plastic covering the "roof" but not when it is raining as it was today. Should probably put the lexan cover back since the stock market is making further house modifications a distant dream. I'd hoped to have a greenhouse or conservatory around the back door by now. sigh. someday...

Joe the Plumber

is not a licensed plumber, has no plans to buy a business, has a lien for unpaid taxes and is named Sam. Hmmm.

No to Prop 8

I've contributed to the effort to defeat Prop 8 in California but I haven't said anything about it on my Northwestern Pennsylvania blog. I just have to post this parody of Apple's ads however. If prejudice against one group of people can be written into the state constitution, prejudice can be institutionalized against you and me for other reasons over which we have no control. The anti-LGBTs are unChristian and unAmerican. They refuse to accept the teaching of Jesus in the Bible they worship. They cannot accept people who don't agree with them. They arrogantly believe they and only they possess all true knowledge of right and wrong. Our God will have mercy on them. Will theirs?

Prayers for the Diocese of Pittsburgh

Tonight the Episcopalians in the Diocese of Pittsburgh will gather at the cathedral to hear and discuss the reorganization of the diocese now that Duncan and his associates have left TEC. At least 19 parishes have remained in the diocese. Information about the meeting is here.

The Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh website is here. Yes, it looks amazingly like the one referenced above which is a subset. The blog of the new president, The Rev. James Simons is Three Rivers Episcopal and is an excellent source of good news about TEC as well as diocesan news updates.

Our prayers are with all involved in this effort including those who are so convinced of their infallibility that they must tear the body of Christ apart to get their way.

Cats are like people

Earlier this morning, Dude, Tommie and PuddyTat were waiting to be fed. Tim came as soon as she heard the door. Jellico appeared eventually. The girls ate, bathed then went about their cat business. Jellico jumped up on the "roof" to contest whatever was there with Tom who sang his displeasure many times. There was no physical assault but lots of noise. Dude came to the edge of his shelf to watch and participate if necessary. Eventually Jellico retreated. The boys are still hanging around threatening each other from their chosen positions. Men!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Help needed

Of Course I Could Be Wrong is a blog which has introduced many of us to each other via the intertubes and in person. MadPriest is the English vicar who keeps us together. Unfortunately his Mac Mini has died and he needs to repair or replace it. If you have a few extra sheckles to contribute to the remedy of this disastrous situation, please go to his blog and Donate!

If you can't donate, please say lots of prayers for MP and his situation. The computer is the least of his problems.

No, that is not MP. That is Laika, the patron saint of OCICBW.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Rachel Maddow Show

I'm so happy that MSNBC put Rachel Maddow on after Keith Olbermann on weekday evenings. I'm lazy and don't like to change the channel until necessary - like the local news.

Of course, I'm sure there are plenty of people who object to her on a variety of bases. She's a she and a strong (read "threatening"), intelligent (Rhodes scholar) woman at that. She isn't blond. In fact she is a strong, intelligent lesbian. And she is, um, liberal. Horrors!

If you can deal with a strong, intelligent, female liberal who is articulate and has a strong sense of humor and irony, check her out on MSNBC weeknights at 9 and 11, Eastern time.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Chattanooga Times Free Press

More fall 08

The snowmobilers came thru with a plow and levelled out some of the moguls on the "tracks". The worst was here by the beaver dam. For years I have wished the railbed would wash out completely requiring a bridge here. Doubt it will happen in my lifetime. This year they did major repairs and put up stakes to warn the people that the side is soft. Phooey. I've always wished the noisy stinky bikes, atvs and snow vehicles would fall into the lake and drown. Not the people, mind you, tho I have little respect for them either, especially when they roar up and down at 2 am. I know. I'm old and grouchy. And I understand that some people, like sharecropper, enjoy roaring around on these things. If they were quiet and respectful of the people living in the neighborhood, I might change my mind. Ugh.

Fall 08