Saturday, February 14, 2009

Why I'm not a Republican

Years ago I left the Republican Party in disgust when all they wanted to do was impeach President Clinton. I am still a Republican to some extent tho not one of these Republicans. I believe in fiscal responsibility and as little government as possible. I have a Libertarian streak.

I'm also somewhat socially liberal tho I believe people need to assume responsibility for their own behavior and survival.

Unlike the people who now claim the label Republican, I care about people. Let the super rich share the terror the rest of us know as their greed which convinced them to invest with Madoff has reduced them to something resembling us for a change.

But I resent the Republicans who now populate Congress especially the House of Representatives. Is there no free-thinking Republican there who cares about the people served? The three senators who violated the rules are already reaping the anger of those who believe the party should be uniformly opposed to anything the Dems come up with. What ugliness!

The Republican Party is the domain of hate despite the "Christianity" many profess. They are an embarrassment to the Gospels. The party controls those in Congress via punishment. They are cruel. Ugh.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Microsoft to open retail stores

So of course, someone had to comment. See 10 ways Microsoft's retail stores will differ from Apple's. snicker.

Ice still on the lake

This is the spot. Always a thrill to see them even after 40 years.

Friday cat blogging

The gals eye each other.

Dude looks up from breakfast.

Jellico waits.

He waited awhile.

Friday shuffle

1. Good Lovin' - Young Rascals
2. Stoned Soul Picnic - Fifth Dimension
3. Zosia Polka
4. Sweet Dreams - Tommy McLain
5. Dawson: Soon-ah Will Be Done - Bach Choir of Pittsburgh
6. Pandora's Golden Heebie Jeebies - The Association
7. Abraham, Martin and John - Dion
8. Anon: Salve Mater Redemptoris - Anonymous 4
9. Make Me Smile - Chicago
10. Sunrise Serenade - Glenn Miller Orchestra

And an extra that Greg Smith posted on Facebook. I've loved this since we sang it in chapel at Westminster Choir College.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Prayers for Roseann

Our friend Roseann from Beliefnet's Anglican/Episcopal discussion board, the blogosphere and Facebook is in the hospital. She needs a kidney transplant and seems to be failing. She's having a tough time keeping a positive attitude. Please help us send healing love and light by whatever method you use to do such things. And support organ donation!
(Click on invitation to enlarge)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

R.I.P. Mary Louise Herrick

Another good organist went to the other side Saturday. Mary Lou Herrick played and directed at Mount Airy Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia for many years. After her husband Clyde died she moved to our town which was actually her husband’s hometown where they still owned a home. Mary Lou was active in the American Guild of Organists and for years sponsored the third prize for improvisation. She studied with and babysat for Vincent Persichetti. She was 81.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Fire comes very close

Fires in Australia are killing people as well as destroying property. One came too close to our friend Alcibiades for comfort. He hasn't blogged about it but he told us he is ok in the comments on OCICBW.

If you are so inclined, please pray for rain for the Australians, do a rain dance or implore the rain gods in any method you think might work.