I visited a friend who sings in the choir at St Paul's in Mt Lebanon so we went to church early. I sat in on rehearsal but left to explore when they went to practice in the church. I was grateful they let me do a little sightreading.
The church is on a hill so much of it is below the front entrance. The parking lot is down back. Several people were coming when I was at the car and everyone spoke. Everyone said at least Good Morning. Everyone I encountered was friendly. When I reentered the church the greeters were there. The woman introduced herself and asked my name. We had a little conversation.
The peace was short because there were too many people to greet everyone. The ladies around me were cordial. Several people crossed the aisle. They all made sure I knew about coffee hour. While I was taking photos several invited me downstairs.
The choir was the best I've heard so far tho a bit light in the soprano. I couldn't hear anyone in the congregation singing. The altar/table has been moved to the front of the chancel. The choir sits behind the altar on chairs in what looked like a divided semicircle. The organ is on the right. That placement makes the choir's sound project very well into the nave. Unlike most I've visited, the choir received communion after everyone else and at the original altar while the verger did the dishes at the table. The congregation gathered around the forward table. There were very few candles - two on each altar.
The narthex. The doors on the left are the front doors.
When facing the church, this is a small room on the right.
Above the doorway to the left is this sign in typical Episcopal/Anglican language. I was looking for the rest room and took the stairway down.
I had to cross two rooms but did eventually find a sign pointing me in the right direction. In the hall I encountered the priest and some other ladies who asked what I was looking for. One woman pointed to the right but the priest suggested I use the fancy one. I said plain was fine with me. It was clean and stocked.
When I walked back across the two rooms there were other "openings" but the little sign on the left pointed the way.
Nice way to put it.
This was the stairway.
The baptismal font on the far left has a cover on a chain. The black thing at the top of the photo is on the other end of the chain. I forgot to ask how they get to it to raise the cover but I'm curious.
There are a Praise Band and a Contemporary Music Ensemble.
Other visitations are here.