After a string of NWPA grey days, today dawned bright and beautiful. I know others dislike it and I understand why but I love the twists and turns of Rt 27 between Meadville and Titusville in good weather when I'm not in a hurry. I had to stop for a herd of at least a half dozen deer to cross at one point.
St James has no lot so I looked for a place to park under a tree which turned out to be by the Presbyterian Church. Sorry, Presbys.
St James has no lot so I looked for a place to park under a tree which turned out to be by the Presbyterian Church. Sorry, Presbys.
Ushers greeted me warmly. I was a little early and had a wide choice of seats. I didn't choose wisely as I ended up behind a very tall gentleman so I had a very limited view of the altar while the choir was standing.
They print the liturgy in the bulletin. The pew racks contained two Bibles and a Hymnal 82 only. Very few Episcopal churches I've visited have Bibles in the pews. I can't remember seeing any but there may have been one or two with the usual BCPs and H82s plus occasionally a LEVAS.
The organ has a cipher so the piano was used. I realized how difficult it is to maintain a long phrase with the piano which decays so quickly. The choir had six or seven I think and was ok.
I loved the sermon as it spoke to a situation that is coming up for my home parish. The peace was a jumble with some greeting everyone and others staying put. Everyone was friendly. One woman remembered seeing me there before which startled me. I attended their anniversary celebration awhile back but had never been there for a regular service. It is always nice to be remembered. After the service lots of folks were friendly. Good work, people!
The columbarium is in the hallway to the parish hall. I did not light a candle today for a change. The warden and I got into a conversation and that was that.
There was a good coffee hour and the tables were full of people gabbing. Several urged me to stay but I had a lunch date another hour north. Nice people. St James is about an hour and a quarter away unfortunately.
The church is dark but there is good lighting which, with the very bright sun, made taking pictures difficult. Sorry the windows aren't better. Everyone was urging me to go to coffee hour so I didn't spend much time on the photography. And I'm still trying to figure out this camera.
Links to all the church visits I've made are here.
Links to all the church visits I've made are here.