Saturday, September 13, 2014

ECW at The Episcopal House at Chautauqua Institution and clouds

Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of NW PA met at Chautauqua Institution today. Mary Norton+ led us in three exercises. The first included pages from a book with short poems about life. We each chose one then explained why. Mine was about Finding Peace in our turbulent lives. Then using materials she provided or finding our own, we made crosses and explained our thought processes afterward. Finally with markers and paper we prayed with color, creating a wide variety of artwork according to what we each felt guided to do. All were very rewarding. I walked around the very familiar grounds to find what I needed for the cross. Our family had a tiny "cabin cruiser" on Chautauqua Lake in the late 40s and early 50s. We often visited the grounds so I feel like I grew up there to some extent. It is a spiritual place if you allow it to be. I wish it weren't so expensive. 

The gulls lined up on one of the docks. Embiggen the photo to see them.

A portion of Palestine. The white things are cities.

These are in front of the Baptist house.

I apologize for not taking more photos. I missed many people.

It misted most of the day but cleared up in the afternoon. The clouds on the way home were a mixture of angry and innocent with blue sky showing thru occasionally.

This was sunset behind my house. Actually it was opposite the sunset.
The photos are embiggenable.