Monday, July 25, 2011

Raccoon mess

While I was gone, the raccoons tore everything apart. The dishes were on the ground too but I picked them up to feed the cats. The blue thing is the litterbox. There is litter stuff everywhere. Forgot to set the traps tonight but will do it tomorrow.


whiteycat said...

Wow! The little home wreckers have done quite a job! Sorry they left you such a mess to clean up. I was in the Berks from July 7-11. One of these years we'll meet!

PseudoPiskie said...

Next year, Godde willing, I'll be there that same week beginning 8 July.

Forsythia said...

BAAAAAD raccoons.

PseudoPiskie said...

Two raccoons in the traps. Last night there was a HUGE one on the cathouse roof. I'm not sure he could get into a trap.

motheramelia said...

They are certainly pesky creatures. Had problems with them in CA but not here.