Some people who use the Bible to judge, criticize, exclude or punish others often appeal to the "plain meaning of scripture". That certainly makes life easier. Nothing like the security of knowing the truth of God to eliminate the need for pesky questions, undeserved compassion or civil justice.
What I don't understand is how anyone can discern the "plain meaning of scripture". All too often they mean what they see in their favorite version of the Bible, usually the KJV. I have great difficulty with the concept of the Bible being the actual literal "Word of God". Which version? Which translation?
Islam demands that the Quran be read in the original language in order to really understand what is being taught. That makes sense to me even if the religion itself doesn't sit comfortably at all.
Where are the Bible's source documents? Has every person who is said to have written, translated, edited, copied, financed or made decisions about what is included in the Bible been directly inspired by God? Without this knowledge, how can anyone say what the "plain meaning of scripture" is?
People who demand adherence to their prejudices as supported by their preferred version of the Bible don't get much respect from me. Their ignorance may make their lives easier but it often hurts others. The Bible didn't exist when Jesus taught. Would Jesus approve of all that book has been used for?