Years ago I left the Republican Party in disgust when all they wanted to do was impeach President Clinton. I am still a Republican to some extent tho not one of these Republicans. I believe in fiscal responsibility and as little government as possible. I have a Libertarian streak.
I'm also somewhat socially liberal tho I believe people need to assume responsibility for their own behavior and survival.
Unlike the people who now claim the label Republican, I care about people. Let the super rich share the terror the rest of us know as their greed which convinced them to invest with Madoff has reduced them to something resembling us for a change.
But I resent the Republicans who now populate Congress especially the House of Representatives. Is there no free-thinking Republican there who cares about the people served? The three senators who violated the rules are already reaping the anger of those who believe the party should be uniformly opposed to anything the Dems come up with. What ugliness!
The Republican Party is the domain of hate despite the "Christianity" many profess. They are an embarrassment to the Gospels. The party controls those in Congress via punishment. They are cruel. Ugh.
Agonies in Gaza, Israel, and the USofA
22 hours ago