Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday cat blogging II

This is the first time since she discovered the boxes on the cathouse roof that Tim has had Dudie next door.  She just kept looking at him.  He usually vacates the box eventually so I expect PuddyTat will be there later.

Told ya.  And Tim is still watching.


whiteycat said...

I just love these kitty apartments. I guess they do too. Keep up the good work.

Forsythia said...

The cat in the adjacent apartment is just cooly ignoring the Fish Eye.

PseudoPiskie said...

Tim (left) and PuddyTat (right) are not exactly friends. PuddyTat is much smaller than Tim but she is the matriarch and isn't afraid of the other woman. They will eat together if absolutely necessary.

Jane R said...

Love this.

air soldes said...

One of my friends like it so much