Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Worship to remember!!!

Yesterday I drove from home to Philadelphia to sing with the choir of St Luke and the Epiphany for confirmation and a celebration of St Luke. There were several attractions. The organist Jonathan posted the program on Facebook. I asked to sing as he is a fellow Westminster Choir College alum. He said a classmate of mine Verdean would be the soloist, the bishop of New Hampshire would be the celebrant and I was welcome to sing. Being a longtime choir slut and a big fan of +Gene Robinson, I went.

Verdean's beautiful voice is wrapped in an equally beautiful person. It was good to see her again.

I caught a remote photo of +Gene before the service.

And a couple during the eucharist.
It was worth the 800 mile drive!


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

What a wonderful opportunity. I would love to hear +Gene Robinson someday.

sharecropper said...

Cool deal, but you must be tired!!!